Friday, September 17, 2010

:: Web Resource Review ::

We have here a website from UK which i thought is rather comprehensive =) 

 Main page with simple box in the middle that shows a quick overview of information with links for you to access.
 Under "healthy diet" tab, you can find healthy eating tips, information on certain food / nutrients, BMI calculator and more. They also have something similar to our HDP which is the eatwell plate so you may have a look and do comparison to the one adopted by HPB.
Under the tab for "Ages and Stages", you can find information across the different age groups. In addition, within each group, they actually have recommendations on preparing meals for these categories. So you will know what to take note when planning meals for particular group for instance the children needs calcium so they advise includes milk in children's diet.
Over here, they have a couple of recipes for us to use =) So if yo think it's healthy and you can cook it, use it for your practical exam!
1) Is the web information up-to-date?
Yes, information is up to date.

2) Is it user-friendly: easy to navigate and retrieve information easily?
It is easy to navigate with the simple and straight-forward layout.

3) Can the content be understood easily?

4) What are the tools available for use in the website?
It does not contain alot of tools for use but rather the information can be quite useful.

5) What other information is available other than our focus (food)?
I like the fact that they incorporated other areas such as food safety(, which explains the necessary steps to take note, as well as food labels (, which talks about the terms you find on food label. On top of that, you also learn about food additives! Isnt it ;interesting? Read it for interest and it helps you to understand better what you have learnt in class (;

Pardon me if the pictures seem grainy, not too sure why, probably because i enlarged it before saving =x

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